Dialog Box

CatholicCare Victoria

Catholic Social Teaching

Our guiding principles

The principles of Catholic Social Teaching guide our work and mission at CatholicCare Victoria.

Respect for Human Dignity and Life

In the midst of structures and relationships that have dehumanised individuals, families and communities – we seek to collaboratively humanise the world around us.

Human Equality or Equity

Because we have been created in the image and likeness of God, it follows that there is a radical equality among all human beings. 


We are one human family, and so our practice of love of neighbour must extend to both our local and wider communities. More than a feeling of vague sympathy, solidarity is a determination to commit ourselves to the common good.

Common Good

A community is genuinely healthy when every single person is flourishing.

Preferential Option for the Poor and Vulnerable

Individuals, families and communities adversely impacted by social disadvantage are our first priority.


Respecting the capacity and capabilities of people and communities with decisions made at the lowest local level possible.

Stewardship of Creation

Good stewardship also means making careful and responsible decisions with the resources entrusted to us.


People have a right to shape their own lives and the society in which they live.

Right of Association

We cannot consider a person simply as an isolated individual but as part of a rich tapestry of relationships.

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